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Dynamic Systems & Ergodic Theory

Dynamic Systems & Ergodic Theory is a branch of analysis that studies the statistical properties of the involvement over time for a point in an ambient space. This topic has applications in many areas both within mathematics and in the real world, including but not limited to combinatorics, number theory, physics, and differential equations.

The image shown on the right is a picture of the Lorenz attractor, which arises in the study of a dynamical system called the Lorenz oscillator.

Research Advisors in Dynamic Systems and Ergodic Theory

  • Bio Item
    Went Sun profile picture
    Wenbo Sun , bio

    Assistant Professor Wenbo Sun works on the problems lying at the interaction of ergodic theory, combinatorics, and number theory.

  • Bio Item
    Yun Yang profile picture
    Yun Yang , bio

    Assistant professor Yang conducts research in ergodic theory and dynamical systems.

Researchers in Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory